USA Government's Deep-Seated Racism towards Haiti
The US government has always had a very deep seated racism against the Black Haitians. The celebrated so-called progressive, democratic leader''FDR'', wrote an executive order to, “Keep these Black French-speaking people always divided. It's in the interest and political stability of the United States."
The US has never forgiven the Black Haitian people for rising against their evil French brothers. As long as the US government is continues its deep involvement in Haitian political affairs, Haiti will continue to be in chaos and mayhem.
US government hates Black people period,no one can differ with that statement.Look at the way the US government have been treating its Black citizens for the past 500 years.As I'm writing this post right now,I dare say,some where,some place there is a US law enforcement officer who is abusing,brutalizing,violating an unarmed Black person with the full support of US government and the majority of White Americans.
It seems that most American people Black and White think and believe that Haiti is a US territory like the US Virgin Island. No,Haiti is a sovereign nation that had fought and won against slavery. Haiti is an independent nation. Haiti does not need the US permission to change its government.The sole objective of the very racist and corrupt US State Department in ''US occupied Haiti'' is to perpetuate the ''crooked clintons'' apartheid economy that they've established for the racist arab's mafiosi families, who the US have helped to control all of the nation’s economy.
The Haitian people are not that stupid,they know for fact that US have never been in the interests of any Black countries around the world,if I'm wrong,I dare anyone to prove the difference. For Christ sake.Obama,Trump and now the closet and smiling racist Biden do not support any form of democratic government in Haiti. Neg bannann aka the puppet president was chosen by the corrupted US ambassador to Haiti.Neg bannann cannot tie his own shoes without permission from the US embassy.
Another total and integral revolution is the only option to remove Haiti from under the chains of systematically racist US government. The US State Department have supported, financed and created a Black puppet fascist, dictatorial government.The Haitian people are not asking, the Haitian people are telling the racist and evil US government to let them decide for themselves what's good for their country...the people will not recognize a puppet fascist dictator who has already violated the constitution.
As a Proud Independent Progressive Libertarian Sovereign Citizen,I have only one dream for Haiti,that one day after the revolution the suffering people of US occupied Haiti will write another constitution exactly like the US constitution in every form and every way...US constitution is the best I've seen,read and believe...the banana boat US foreign policies in poor Black countries around the world are not sustainable anymore..the natives are not as stupid as they were before this 21 first century.