US, Canada, France, EU, UN, OAS - Malignant Cancer of Haiti
Sooner or later, only another total and integral revolution by any means necessary will change the daily miseries of the suffering people of ''occupied Haiti''. First of all, Haiti does not have a president nor a government. Neg bannann [Moise] is not the head of State. He's a lowlife puppet selected by the racists of the US Department of State; the Core group AKA US, Canada, France ,EU, UN, OAS.
The core group has truly become a' malignant cancer' in the political, social and economic life of the Haitian people for the past 34 years. The international community is deeply racist toward the Black people of Haiti. The democrats illegitimately invaded Haiti in 1994 with the false pretense of restoring democracy..Trump have done nothing,except maintaining status quo of the evil ''economy apartheid'' that the crooked clintons and timid/soulless Obama have established.
The slave puppet restavek neg bannann has to go by any means necessary period. The suffering people of ''occupied Haiti'' Have to kick the low-life puppet neg bannann out of the ''Palais National''..this man hates Haitian people so much. He cannot and should not remain there after February 7th. Neg bannann is the leader of the gangs that are kidnapping people each and every day everywhere.
It is basically irrelevant who is the current White House occupant to Haiti. Republicans and democrats are the same racists,Neocons and warmongers. Both democrats(the crooked clintons,soulless Obomba) and republicans(bombastic Trump,W.Bush) were never friends of the suffering people of Haiti. I doubt very much that smiling racist Biden will be any different.
The clintons have made the arabs\arab\jews the sole owner of Haiti by helping them to create an''apartheid economy'' there. All Haitians want from the USA is for them to leave us alone, and let us take care of our problems ourselves. The US has no moral authority to interfere in Haiti’s political drama.
12/22/2020 1/31/2021