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RIP Mugabe; Legacy of Colonialism in Africa

R. I.P to the last great liberator of Africa...he was vilified and demonized by the racist western world.Unlike Mandela, Mr Mugabe has never compromised with the hypocrites of US and the Europeans until death...May he rest in peace ✌️ with all the great ones.

So long great warrior. His land reform initiatives were a good idea and model for White Europeans and Arab/Jewish minority controlled Black countries in Africa and the Caribbean. Especially Haiti, the country that fought and won its independence in 1804, but remains poor with the full support of the US government and the Europeans who have stolen most of the agricultural land for the Arab/Jew minorities.

As always, the US and European governments vilified and demonized this great liberator, but was cozy with the devil White minority apartheid government of South Africa next door. US and the Europeans have only one goal for Black independent countries; that is to infiltrate them and encourage corruption in order to create divisions among the locals. While they’re stealing whatever natural resources of those countries. R.I.P my father, you will remain one of the greatest leaders of Africa. Yes ,I have more respect and admiration for you than I will ever have for the “compromiser” Nelson Mandela . His South Africa White minorities are still in control of 70% of the land.



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