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Not much Difference between Trump and Biden

I've posted many times that Biden is no different than Trump,While Biden is a smiling racist who can play both sides of the aisles, Trump is proud, bombastic and openly racist. Both men are equally racist and puppets of the Wall street barons like the oligarch Bloomberg.

No Medicare4Al during a ravaging pandemic. They're both Neocon warmongers.For Christ sake,look athow Biden dances about immigration policies and deportations.Wonder why ,he hasn't appealed the racist US Texas federal judge ruling that Trump himself appointed. US Senator Cory Booker was right on point during the campaign when he said that the Biden name has been on every bad legislation against Black and immigrants.

We Black people In USA have been known that kkk,Nazis,skin-heads and all the evil racist group members have been infiltrated all the US law enforcement without any's easy to identify those who are members of those White domestic terrorists in America by their reaction against ''BLM''...Trump have made it fashionable to hate ''BLM'' and never have anything to say about all the unarmed Black killing by his kkk animal with badges across America.

People seem to forget that before bombastic Trump,the immigrant communities used to call Obama deporter-in-chief and Biden was his vice president. .He was Obama's main adviser on most policies of immigration, racial justice, police killing of unarmed Blacks and dealing with Black countries.

US have been deported a lot of Haitian immigrants since last year,even when there was no flights between US and Haiti for four months,ICE was flying planes full of Haitians on a daily basis to Haiti.Everybody knows for fact that most of these prisons ICE are holding people to deport are totally infected with Covid-Vid 19.

The overtly racist 1996 crime bill had all types of undemocratic clauses which benefited the private prison industry. For example, three strikes get a person life time whether they've committed violent crimes or not. It took the California Supreme court to stop Kamala Harris's exploitation of that very deeply racist clause, which allowed her to lock-up so many poor black and brown people in California; just to prove to those racist California voters that poor Black people and Brown people are a ''nuisance'' while she was D.A of San Francisco.

I've been telling people for years,that fake democrats like Biden are as racist as Trump with a smile.This man is a Neocon warmonger more so than Trump could ever be.Trump was and still a political novice with a big ego,but Biden has been a career politician,everything he does is cold and calculated.The man [Biden] is 78 years old racist,he's not about to change.While he's deporting poor Haitians to Mexico,as a true evil racist that he is,he took campaign money from the arab merchants and the Haitian political party phtk which is neg bannann political party.

So no matter of what the puppet president is doing to the majority of the people,it's ok to him,after all,that was his Obama/Biden administration that have chosen the two lowlife punk dictators(ti simone and neg bannann)...his Haitian puppet have take Haiti as their personal territories,Biden knows for fact,that the sole objective of US administration for the past twelve years is to perpetuate the evil and racist''apartheid economy'' that the crooked clintons have established for the benefits of the arab mafiosi merchants against the 12.5 million Black Haitians.

Any US president or American politician who's talking about democracy in Haiti ,is a pathological liar and corrupt which unfortunately that's exactly what the last two US presidents have been to the suffering people of Haiti. US cannot have it both ways,Haiti is not and will never be a US territory...all the Haitian people are asking America is to leave the people alone so they can rebuilt the country and choose their own political leader without US interference and manipulations...Throughout of Haiti 217 years of independence history,the US democrat presidents are always the hardest on the or not Haiti will eventually have another total and integral revolution,by any means necessary..the sooner the better...''You can fool, some people,but you will never fool all of the people''.

1/18/2021 2/10/2021 2/24/2021 6/11/2021


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