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Left Wing politics in Latin America

Congrats to President president elect Lopez Obrador and the Mexican people for electing a stubborn socialist to the second largest economy of South America..unlike the late Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, an ex military man…Obrador as a former journalist and writer one will hope that he will be more pragmatic and less dictatorial and confrontational with the pompous business class; who are in need of a deep check up like Venezuela's Chavez and ex-Brazil president Lula did to help some out the citizens out of abject poverty.

I stand with the democratically elected president Maduro of Venezuela against the unlawful interference of the Trump administration. So far all Trump has to show for his presidency is chaos, mayhem, wars, racial division and economic disparity worldwide. What the Neocons are doing in the peaceful nation of Venezuela is a crime against humanity. Trump doesn't want any South and Central American immigrants into his USA, but he wants to destroy a stable and wealthy country like Venezuela. The world has to rise up to him to stop him.

Congrats to president Castillo...the people of Peru voted down that racist,fascist Fujiromi. She's as evil and racist as her thief of a father less fascist in the Americas.

7/2/2018 4/30/2019 6/18/2021


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