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Israel Behaving like Nazi Germany towards the Palenstians

Boycotts and sanctions can be the best weapon against Israel apartheid system that is killing the suffering people of Palestine on a daily basis.The two States system is the only solution and option.The problem is those racist supremacists like benjamin natenayu are still refusing the two State solutions,because the apartheid system is too profitable.

Gaza is a prison...How ironic,the European Jews of Israel have created a mini Hitler Nazi Germany on the Palestinian land and started a deeply rooted slow genocide of the suffering people of Palestine for the past 54 years with the full support of US financially and militarily,granted that's what US did for the apartheid South Africa government.Why US government have always sided with the oppressors of the world,always...always..always....

Israel is behaving exactly like Nazi Germany during hitler regime..benjamin netanyahu is the bona fide Hitler of the middle have to know the Israeli government is doing something so awful to have the support of all White racists and Supremacists in America...those who are standing with Israel against the defenseless Palestinian people are the same evil bastards who are supporting those animal kkk with badges that are killing and assassinated innocent unarmed Black people on a daily basis in America.

Bombastic and unrepentant racist Trump have made it trendy for all those fascists,supremacists,kkk,warmongers and those who hates the US constitution...I'm an anti-fascism as a very proud Independent Progressive Libertarian Sovereign Citizen...I love the US constitution,but,I despise most American politicians from both political parties,because,they're all liars,hustlers and petit thieves...Only the nitwits worship politicians. I only worshiped my just Lord Jesus-Christ who taught us all to treat people like you want to be treated. .Israel and its supporters are doing the devil deeds in Palestine at this moment,they're not observing the teaching of the just Lord Jesus ,Granted,most of these people are agents of Lucifer on earth,they have invented their own European looking Jesus and angels to justify their crimes of slavery of the Lord's children.

5/17/2021 5/19/2021 5/23/2021


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