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Gangs and Political Repression in "US-occupied Haiti"

The US State Department with its racist allies or partners (UN, Canada, France, EU, OAS,and others) are refusing to allow the Haitian people to control their sovereign nation .For ten years,both US-selected, bandit presidents [Matelly & Moise] have ruled the country by decree and both of them have refused to hold any local elections, with the full support of the US embassy in Haiti.

Neg bannann [Moise] is totally responsible for all the crimes his bandits aka terrorists have committed in Haiti. Him and the PNH DG should have resigned already if there were patriots or if they had any love for the place of their birth.

If Fantom-509 [police gang] is not complicit in the insecurity problems in “US-occupied Haiti”, the group would have gone to the Haitian palace and put neg bannann out. Oh my just Lord, when are these lowlife Haiti politicians are going to emancipate themselves from their mental slavery.These slaves like neg bannann and his phtkkk bandits have to be indicted,prosecuted and lock them up in prisons for the rest of their sorry lives.

The suffering people of ''US occupied Haiti'' are not stupid nor naive,they know for fact that the systemic racism of the corrupted US government will never allowed any of their presidents,past and current to support the 12.5 million Black Haitians(96% ) of the population against less than 5% arab mafiosi oligarch families that have created an''apartheid economy''.

Another total and integral revolution is the only option and solution,the Haitian people have been very direct about not having any dialogue with these US puppet Haitian politicians.US have never and probably never will be on the side of the Black Haitian majority.US and its partners are a''malignant cancer'' into the progress,security and development of Haiti.Only,another revolution as soon as possible and by any means necessary so the Haitian people can regain their sovereign nation from the gripe of US colonialism and imperialism...

3/18/2021 3/25/2021 3/24/2021


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