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Democrats' contempt for Haiti; Just as Racist as Trump

I've said it many times before, that because of the deep contempt I have for the ''crooked clintons'' I voted for an openly racist US president and a fervent supporter of supremacist groups. As much as I find his references to Haiti , Africa and El Salvador repugnant, mean-spirited, offensive ,racist, anti-democratic and damned evil; the only difference between the openly racist US president Trump and the timid/soulless Obama and the crooked clintons is very simple...while Trump has made it clear that he's a racist openly..the clintons and the Obamas are even worse because they share the same views as Trump, especially about Haitians, in closet.

So far, it is not Trump who has destroyed every fabric of the Haitian economy. The clintons and Obama have helped to create an''economic apartheid'' in the first Black independent country of the western hemisphere for the sake of only twenty two Arab/Jewish mafiosi families. The clintons are the most evil crooks. They've handed-picked the last five puppet presidents of ''occupied Haiti'', to keep the Haitian people in abject poverty. The clintons have accused their own chosen puppets of being corrupt so that they and the army of ''NGO's'' that they created could control whatever donations that were supposed to help the people.

Out of the $14 billion earthquake reconstruction fund 86% of that fund was spent in D.C with a bunch of fake companies that was dealing with the ''Clinton Global Foundation'' for play enterprise. Yes,personally I know and believe that bill clinton was the most racist US president toward Haiti, based off his actions, and that Obama was the most snobbish and elitist US president toward Haiti. Either one of these ex-presidents have done more to destroy the sovereignty of the Republic of Haiti than this clueless, racist ,arrogant and insensitive current occupant of the White House.

I proudly voted for president Trump for only two reasons:to de-funded the illegitimate occupation of Haiti by the very corrupt and irrelevant U.N.with its mercenary soldiers and to aggressively prosecute the ''crooked clintons'' to the fullest of the law for all of their odious crimes.

7/19/2017 1/12/2018


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