Correct Decision from a puppet president; Possible Soulouque?
As a Haitian patriot I totally agree and support Moise Jovenel’s reactivation of F.A.D.H. When ti taliban aristide, under pressure from the closet racist crooked bill clinton, de-activated the F.A.D.H, .he violated articles ''262-267'' of the 1987 Haitian constitution.
Ti taliban aristide sold out the country just to return to power,restavek preval had followed every orders dictated to him by crooked bill clinton's State Department. Latortue was an employee of AIPAC and CIA. Restavek Preval’s second term was even worse because of the tragic earthquake of 2010 during which he surrendered the sovereignty of the nation to the international community. Preval was such a drunk restavek to the US embassy in Port-au-prince that he allowed the crooked clintons to eliminate the 2011 elections of Jules Celestin and Mirlande Manigat. He also allowed them to select ti simone aka sweet makak as the puppet president.
The USA and the rest of the international community was never serious about restoring any democracy in Haiti. Operation Uphold Democracy in 1994 was a pure ruse to disarm the only true Black sovereign nation in the western hemisphere and the first Black people in modern times, that fought and won their independence through uprising.
The US is a racist and white-supremacist nation. America will never be in the interest of the Haitian people..that's the fact. No other nation can tell the Haitian people how to protect the national security of 11 million Black people. The American citizens believe it's their birthright for each of them to own any type of gun to protect themselves; how dare any American politician or civilian from the US president to the r civilian on the streets tell a sovereign people how to protect and defend the soil that their forefathers fought and won for. If the US is planning with the D.R to take over Haiti, there will be another war in the western hemisphere because we Haitian people will never allow it. D.R has a military force of 60.000 soldiers, so it is imperative for Haiti to create a military force of 100.000 soldiers and government supported civilian militias on all the territory of Haiti...Live Free Or Die ..that was how we became the first independent Black nation.
I support the return of FADH by neg bannann even though he was chosen as a puppet by the racist and evil international community. I'm very glad that Jovernel Moise has more common sense than that lady/man ti simone that he replaced. That action is reminding me of another chosen puppet in the Haitian history .His name was Faustin Soulouque "Si Je suis nommee président de la république, Je saurais me conduire comme chef''. Oh yes he did...he named himself Emporer of Haiti and brought Dessalines’ Black and Red flag back. Based off this action alone, history will prove that Jovernel Moise is more Haitian than all the previous puppet presidents since ''baby doc'' left.
I say it again bravo to Jovernel Moise...I'm not a political fanatic or loyalist to any politician past or present that included''papa Doc''...I'm only loyal to Haiti and her suffering children. Only the enemies of Haiti (domestic and foreign) don't want the FADH back...long live Haiti!
3/28/2018 4/6/2018