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Continued Resistance in Haiti

The people should continue to manifest against the illegitimate government of Jovenel Moise a.k.a. neg bannann and ti simone, every day and in every city and village of the country. The people should refuse to follow the illegal tactics of the puppet government. The UN have ordered neg bannann to deploy the ''secret squad of PNH'' assassins to assassinate the leaders of the demonstrations.

The people are sick and tired of these foreigners that have taken control of the country by putting in place a puppet president, a corrupt police force and a slave minded legislature. None of these Haitian institutions have the people's interests at heart...from the puppet president neg bannann to the lower foot soldier of PNH, are all servants to the 22 Arab/Jewish mafia families that have total control of the Haitian economy.

The people have to remember that the UN is not in Haiti to protect them. These predators are in Haiti to help those 22 racist Arab/Jewish families perpetuate the evil''economy apartheid''. Only another total ,integral,ethical, spiritual and political revolution by any means necessary to retake Haiti back from those foreigners that have hijacked the country under false pretense of supporting a fake democracy...the people have to reverse this.



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