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As Turmoil Deepens, Haitians Fear that Democracy is Slipping Away.

The US government never wanted any form of democracy in Haiti. The US and its partner have been behaving like the gangsters they are. Throughout history, the US have never helped any Black country to become developed and democratized.The US has a deep seated racism towards the 12.5 Black Haitians(96%) of the population.The people have said many times that they don't want US interference in their politics.But,these evil racists deep State at State Department are still practicing the cheap politics of ''Banana republic'.

'Neg bannann aka slave US chosen puppet,cannot even tight his shoes without permission from the imperial US ambassador in Haiti. The sole interest and objective of the United States in US occupied Haiti, is to perpetuate the''apartheid economy'' that the crooked clintons have established in the country; by destabilizing the local economy and g theiving total control to only 22 arab mafiosi families.

Apparently all of the chaos, mayhem and insecurity are very profitable to these Arab elites who are fighting with full US support to keep the 12.5 million Black Haitians in abject poverty and misery. Haitians are not children as the US State Department thinks they are. Any Haitian politician whether president or not, who are taking all of their orders from the US gov, is not working for the Haitian people.This has to stop now ,not tomorrow or next year. Lastly,look at the way the racist US government has treated its own Black citizens for the past 4 hundred years. If the US government wasn't racist,the US would and should have been supporting the people to get rid of this criminal, assassin ,thief and incompetent.

Biden is complicit in all of what's going on in Haiti. He received over two million US dollars from ti simone, crooked hillary’s previously selected puppet .Can anyone imagine if Trump [like Jovenel Moise] was allowed to rule the government by decree and fire the Chief justice? The Chief justice in Haiti was fired because he supported the investigation of the ''Venezuela Petrocaribe Money'' and the illegal $1.50 tax on every money. transfer that goes to Haiti. No one knows where that money goes...

America has been nothing but a''malignant cancer'' in the Haitian political system. Only another revolution can help the people to regain the sovereignty of Haiti. As turmoil deepens, Haitians fear democracy is slipping away.



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