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American Empire

Libya is another country that timid/soulless Obama and his psycho Secretary of State''crooked killary'' have destroyed. Libya had the highest living standard in medical care and education..And now thanks to Obama Libya is becoming the center for ''Black slave trade''

America is an empire. Like all other empires..they have always had too much of everything including too many nitwit elected officials. For Christ sake way too many fake people like Trump, Obama and the clintons are running this great nation with one of the best constitution. Individually speaking, most Americans are sincere, honest, law-abiding citizens ,always willing to change for the benefit of the country and the people. Individually speaking Americans are the most giving, the most caring people I have met in my 42 years living in America from coast to coast.

I could care less about beautiful words which the clintons and the Obamas are very good at giving; but what I respect ,admire and believe are actions. America has too much propaganda, too many fake Christians and too many racists ,kkk and supremacist groups that have been part of the US government.

12/22/2017 1/24/2018


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