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Economic Apartheid in Haiti: Boycott Illegitimate Tax on the Haitian Diaspora

First of all, there is no Haitian government in ''occupied Haiti''. What we do have there is a puppet government; a dictatorial, fake legislator (that has immunity to commit crimes) and a ''commission of 22 Arab/Jew mafioso families'' that have been perpetuating an ''economic apartheid'' against 11 million Black people, supported and enhanced by the racist international community towards the suffering people of ''occupied Haiti''. Also supporting them was the crooked clintons illegitimate invasion of 1994 under the false pretense of ''restoring democracy'' and the illegitimate occupation by the very corrupt and irrelevant U.N with its mercenary soldiers...

Look at the faces of the ''legal gangsters'' of Haiti.. from that illegal tax that ti simone 2 a.k.a neg bannann, who was selected by the very racist Kenneth Merten of the U.S State Department, wants to impose on the hard working Haitian diaspora. These slave-minded gangster legislators...they are going to get a raise [from this tax], new free government vehicles, and more spending money. In the meantime the 22 Arab/Jew mafioso families have control over all of the 9 provincial ports to imports of whatever they want and never pay any property taxes to speak of for their palatial homes on top of ''Morne calvaire''. I'm asking every single patriot Haitian diaspora to refuse to pay that second illegal tax and boycotting sending any money to ''occupied Haiti'' by the money transfer companies. Since 2011 the government of ti simone..aka sweet monkey/selected puppet have collected $1.50 US under the pretense of public school budgets...Until today the government has not provided any details regarding that school transparency.

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