Right On Colin Kaepernick
The NFL should have been boycotted already...Collin Kaepernick and other players have a right to exercise their constitutional rights by not standing for the national anthem...to voice their displeasures against all of those shooting/killing of unarmed Black people by the US law enforcement...personally I've been a ''Raiders'' fan for the past forty two years...as much as I love the NFL games...but I won't be watching this year...as long as the owners are punishing players for exercise their constitutional rights...
Where the hell was the so-called first Black US president during all those shootings of unarmed Black people by ''KKK with badges? Like a true student of the ''crooked clintons'' playing the ''center left'', he came up with the lame idea of the body cam. not once he ever said the killing have to stop. With an executive order he could have stopped the ''shoot to kill'' policy of unarmed people by the police...timid/soulless Obama is no different than the majority of those Black millionaires in America...they got theirs...the problems of Black people anywhere are none of their business...that's until they get pulled over and mistreated by a racist police officer which US law enforcement have too many of.
August 24 at 10:36pm ·August 24 at 10:46pm