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POTUS job is to Bring People Together: No Excuses for Domestic Terrorist

As a Haitian, as an American, as a human being, as a spiritual person and most importantly as one of Haitian/Americans who proudly voted for president Trump...words cannot express my sadness, disgust and disappointment [Regarding Trump’s statements about Charlettsville]. Mr. president there is only one side to be on: righteousness. White Supremacy, neo-Nazis, the KKK, bigotry and racism have no place in my America...where I've raised my three college educated American born children. POTUS job is to bring the people together and the president should never be defending or making excuses for members of ''domestic terrorists.'' Mr. president you're so wrong.

Mr. President it is imperative that you call the “Neo-Nazis”, KKK and the White supremacist groups what they really are, which is ''Domestic Terrorist''...these people are as evils as the ''ISIS, Boko-Haram or Al-qaeda'' of the world that the US government has been fighting. ''We are all Children of The Just Lord !!!" - Peoples Universal Life Church of Christ.

Rest in Peace my sister in the name of the just Lord. I haven't had any fear of the'' ISIS and Al-qaeda'' of the world, but I've always kept my eyes on the look out for ''domestic terrorists'' like this piece of garbage [Charlettsville attacker] and those like him. Unfortunately these domestic terrorists have some support at some of the highest offices of government; from the DOJ under Sessions, law-enforcement, to Congress and the Judiciary system.

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