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The Grass is not always greener on the other side: “Deye Morn Gin Morn”

The puppet governments of Haiti have done nothing to explain to the people of Haiti that there is no paradise outside of Haiti...yes indeed, most of these countries like ''Chile, Brazil, USA and Canada'' have more opportunities than Haiti...but none of any of these countries can absorb all the poor and mostly uneducated Haitians. Thanks to the just Lord...Haiti has not had a civil war in the past ninety matter how bad the economic situations of these Haitians who are leaving the country each month is, most of them are going to find out the hard way that like the proverb creole says''deye morn gin morn''...I have to admit that a lot of the diasporas have encouraged Haitians to leave their land by their lies and exaggerations of good lives outside of Haiti...The sad and disgusting thing about so many of these young Haitians stuck in places like Brazil or Chile is that back home they would never consider working in the farms, picking up trash, washing cars, washing dishes or taking care of dogs...but once they are out of Haiti they'll gladly accept those jobs for less money and a lot of humiliations.

There are some Haitian women that would have never accept 100 Haitian dollars to sleep with a man...they do it for 250 pesos which equal about 300 gourdes in Dominican Republic...These Haitians are going to see of all the beautiful infrastructures that Haiti doesn't have yet...just like when people are visiting some beautiful villas in Petion-ville, but can never be living in them. After the visit you have to go back where you're coming from. That's the situation of most of these people...I've tried to tell a lot of young people about education, but they won't listen. Haiti is becoming a nation of copy-cats, beggars and relentless enviers...everyone wants what everyone else individuality. The ''tele djol'' system in the Haitian community needs to stop; It causes people to believe stupid rumors without ever checking the Canada is giving everyone (Haitians) residence. Now so many Haitians in US are crossing the border to Canada believing that their temporary papers are not going to renew in January by the Trump administration.

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