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Deep State: Russia Election Farce

I voted and volunteered for Trump...I know for fact that no one had influenced me but ''crooked killary'' and the very corrupt and inept ''DNC''. The "Deep State'' of the Bush, Clinton and Obama are looking for any lame excuses to overthrow an elected president. I have many problems with the president, but Trump trying to communicate with America biggest military competitor (Russia) is not one of them. As a matter of fact I believe it's a good the Don Corleone said. ''keep your friends close...keep your enemies closer''.

Despite the many shrill voices in Washington, Russia simply cannot be taken as “the greatest threat to American security and welfare.” Non-stop American wars and their consequences are “the greatest threat to American security and welfare." Washington’s choice of primarily military means to handle contemporary radical trends in Muslim societies has not only failed to solve them, but has demonstrably exacerbated them.

May 28 at 1:21am June 8 at 7:30pm ·

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