Trump Electoral Victory
I'm a proud Haitian/American and I voted for Trump and campaigned for him as hard as I did for Obama in I guess that makes me a racist too? American voters are not as stupid as the media think they are...the media elites and the Clintons are living in their own bubble of b.s. If the DNC had not rigged the primary elections in favor of ''crooked killary''..Bernie Sanders would have been elected president. I have absolute respect for the chairman of the RNC Rein Priebus for letting nature take its course during the republican primaries. Out of 17 [republican] candidates the voters chose Trump...but,the corrupt DNC went the opposite we the people have spoken.
Praise the just Lord that the ''crookred clintons'' are not and will never be involving in the Haitian's political affairs as deeply as they did. In Haiti I supported Moïse Jean-Charles, previously Haiti’s Senator for the North Department. The North is the site of Haiti’s gold mines; an area in which Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, continues to have great financial interest. For years, Moïse Jean-Charles kept Martelly in check by his work in the Senate and by helping to organize countless protests against Martelly, the Clintons’ corrupt Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), and the United Nations military occupation. In 2015, he formed the Dessalines Children (Pitit Desalines) political party, as a breakaway from the Lavalas Family party.
November 18, 23rd 2016 ·