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Syria veto; Role of UN

As much as i support the aspiration of democracy by some of the Syrian people,but I have to agree and support the veto of EU and US supported UN's Resolution againts Syria by China and Russia..Let's not forget the very important abstension of India the security council president.what NATO is doing in Lybia should never to allow to happen to any sovereign nations under any false pretense of so-called democracy.The question have to be asked why NATO is taking sides in a true civil war.Simple the oil..While people is dying for foods in the horn of Africa,NATO=USAnd EU are spending average $3 billions a week bombing,killing people in Iraq,Lybia,Pakistan and Afganisthan..But they cannot find $100 millions to feed the starving people of Kenya,Somali and Ethiopia.As a spiritual person I have to believe in the total victory of goods over evils.

The war of Lybia proves to the world the biases of the EU and US in the region. And it also shows where the true interests of US and EU are. The Obama's administration can find $11 billions for the killing of a bunch of innocents people,but he cannot find any money to help stop the starvations of people of Kenya(his father's homeland),Somalia and Haiti next door.

If there ever was an international and humanitarian crisis that the UN needs to show its relevancy;is the Palestinians/Isrealis problems.It was UN resolution 248 that created/founded the state of Isreal in 1948.The bid for full membership into the UN by the Palestinian should be supported by all peace and justice loving people around the world.The double standards of the US,FRANCE and England are feeding the jihadists and al-queadas all over the globe.War is not the answer,but,sadly as Plato said" Only the dead have seen the end of war"

September 25th, October 6th, 22nd 2011

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