Selected President serves the Colonizers
The international community had made a concerted effort to make sure that Haiti remains a place of misery by selecting ti simone...aka sweet micki/ the selected far,the government of ti simone is as incompetent and corrupt as was restavek preval's government..Both of these corrupt and incompetent Haitian governments have sold out Haiti’s national interests to the barons of the Dominican Republic...While the capital is remaining in ruin..ti simone is building a brand new tourist island in ''Ile la vache'' for the very few super riches that have promised to visit Haiti in the future...oh yeah with it's own airport..!!..Petion-ville is becoming the capital of Haiti,and these morons of ti simone ..aka sweet micki/selected president government is constructing a new place for the few tourist who do not want to deal with the choas of the metropolitan of pathetic,ignorant,stupid and arrogant this so-called minister of tourism has to be for encouraging a project like that...?...lamothe and ti simone..aka sweet micki/selected president are even worse for considered and approved a project like that in the first place
Nothing is more disgusting to me as a true Haitian patriot,reasonable nationalist and visionaire to see all these constructions are done by Dominican construction firms and theirs imported me this is a crime of high treason against the suffering people of Haiti by the selected government of ti simone..aka sweet micki...The ti simone...aka sweet micki/selected president and restavek preval administrations have blood all over their hands...regarding the dreadful cholera infection by the very corrupt and irrelevant UN soldiers..I cannot describe how I feel listening to the Humanitarian coordinator of UN in Haiti and ti simone minister of health denying their responsabilities to those victims of that UN made disaster on PBS television.
It is a shame for that puppet government and more so for the special envoy of UN in Haiti the former US president Bill Clinton...both of them(Hilary and Bill) are always claiming that they are friends to the Haitian! who needs enemies when you have friends like them...either one of them has anything to say about the subject...They are..MIA..
It is time for the Haitian people to DEMAND the arrest of these traitors..(ti simone and preval)
If the selected president Martelly is guilty of the accusation of dealing with the Dominican senator and investor Felix Banista regarding the $400 millions US contracts that the Preval/Bellverive had issued without any bidding...Im sorry to say he would have to resign his position as the president of Haiti...·
If they are so easily willing to trade murder for the Haitian palace, do you really think they won't dispose of the whole country to Dominican Republic in some equally chilling manner...In the name of the just Lord... sooner or later the people will get rid of UN and it's slave puppets in Haiti by every means necessary...a la dessalienne...!!!
January 13th 15th, 2014 April 17th 2012