Saving Haiti From Domestic Jihadist
Haiti is a spiritual land not a religious land. It was the spiritual beliefs of the Haitian people that won us our freedom, not religion.
So as far as the international community, NGOs, and especially white religious hustlers are concerned....the best way they can help Republic of Haiti is to do what the sage Malcolm X instructed a young white college student, when she asked him "how can a well-intentioned white person aid the black cause".....
The response???
Micky!!! you are supposed to be "Pa pe an yen". Are you prepared to deal with these "kamoken" who are selling our nation out. Only a civil war will save Haiti.
Micky!!!! "Grenadye a Laso, Sa ki mouri, sa fe a yo. Pa ging papa, pa ging manan, sa ki mouri sa fe a yo!"
MIcky!!!! Have you every thought that it is better to get rid of fifty fingers to save ten million fingers. The US and Western world do it every day. That is why you and I are here today.
It is justifiable renovation....It is the American way......Mr. Selected President
I support the selected president Martelly to reactivate the FADH as soon as possible.The few bad deeds of some former members of the military,is not reason enough to let Haiti rely solely on foreign troops to help out with natural disasters which Haiti is very prone of and political mayhems,borders control,patrol of the vast cost of the Island.For those in the diaspora community should take a look at most law enforcement agencies local or national.Every one of them have their own particular histories of all the same crimes that the former FADH have been accused of.Do I have to remind people of how many innocent minorities that has been killed by ...NYPD,CHICAGO PD,the famous L.A PD and most recently during the Katrina hurricanes...NEW-ORLEANS PD assasinated more than 30 people..ect..ect..none of these organizations have not been destroyed because of all those incidents,instead,common sense had prevailed each time thanks God for that..every one of those police departments have been reformed.This is what the UN and ti taliban aristide should have done to FADH.No matter how bad the say FADH was..The fact is till remain the same..Haiti and her children was better served,protected and secured %1000 times by the FADH then by these UN terrorist soldiers and those littles'' hustlers'' so-called PNH...I believe in the total victory of good over evil...
August 23rd September 30th October 16th, 2011