Racism from USA to Haiti
Without that shocking video tape, [Eric Gardener]this assassination of another Black man would have gone unpunished...once a member of any law enforcement assassinate an unarmed civilian...he's no longer a police officer...in forty years that I've been living in America from coast to coast;I never heard of so many police killing.The very white racist media goes out of their way to justify or excusing these killers with badges...I dare say that it is because of the election of Barrack Hussein Obama as the US president that these State paid killers are killing so many Black men just to remind Black people that having a ''Black face'' in the White house do not change the atrocities and miseries of Black people at the hands of America law enforcement agencies...
It is because of so many stories like this one that I will never forgive ti Taliban aristide and the irrelevant US black congressional caucus for asking the former US president Bill Clinton the perjurer in chief to invade Haiti under the propaganda of ''Restoring democracy in Haiti''..think about it the house Negros slaves asked their white masters to invade an independent black country and the first and only Black nation that had fought and won her independence without any help from the United States...Most of the Haitian diaspora should be ashamed for supporting of that invasion after been living here and experie
nced the way white people treats and thinks about black people here...America have one of the worst human right abuses in the world...this is a country with deep seated racism..its every where whether itsOnlyo their foreign and domestic policies...only the divine intervention that save this brother...!..the democrats and republicans are the ones that created that evil system...stop voting for the lesser of the two evils..let's voting the alternative way..Libertarian!
April 5th and 9th 2015