Puppets vs. De-facto Dictator
If the irrelevant UN soldiers and the ''DE-FACTO WHITE DICTATOR BILL CLINTON'' are still running the affairs of a sovereign nation without a civil war to begin with, long after this selection that they've called election...Then sadly,a man (martelly) that I believe understands the pulse of my beloved-brothers and sisters of Haiti as much as I do, will be just another''RESTAVEK''
While the new president Michel Martelly AKA''sweet micky''is celebrating with his new'' friends'' drinking expensive liquors and champagne,wearing imported gowns and tuxedos..the poor people that selected him are remaining in hunger...Not too far from the'' DE FACTO DICTATOR Bill Clinton's villa in Furcy, on the top of Petion-ville.This is a time for serious actions not a time for partying.
· As long as the very corrupt and irrelevant UN is occupied our beloved-Haiti..everything will remain the same regardless of whom ever they've selected as the president.Remember people!!!Clinton is THE DE FACTO-DICTATOR Of Haiti..He is the ''CANCER'' to Haiti's reconstruction.I dare to any one to remind me of one single good thing this liar,laws breaker ever done for Black people around the world
April 30th, May 25th June 18th 2011.