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Obama Re-elected

The GOP had a demographic nightmare last night.And Sandy the''bitch'' was a divine intervention for Obama.Also the Latino vote can claim to be nationally decisive...It was very dramatic in some States...not far from the near-monolithic support Obama received from Black-Americans.The president received the votes of the most value future members of American society:The young(18-29),women and people of colors that's including the whopping %63 of Asians that voted for Obama...God bless America!!!

Too many odious and extreme people in the tea party an independent libertarian sovereign citizen,I love the great party of Abe.Lincoln,Teddy Roosevelt,Fredrick Douglas and yes even Richard Nixon.The president that gave us the EPA..There are a lot of liberals that forget of how many good things Dick Nixon did for America.Of course,Nixon was the republican candidate that had recruited most of the southern racists into the party.He called them the silent majority,because these racists use to be democrats,but were upset with the Kennedy/Johnson progressive policies.The party needs to go back to the drawing board..of the party of freedom,relevance,tolerance and economics...The tea party people want America to become a one party State like Hitler's Germany.No compromise for the good of the nation.

November 9th 2012

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