Obama Addressing Poverty in the USA
I supported president Obama way before most people even heard his name back in 2007 when most people that I know Blacks or Whites tought he had absolutely no chance of not only getting the nomination of the democratic party, but that it was totally impossible for him to be elected president of USA. Thanks to my just Lord ,history proves me right and correct.We have a lot of late comers that have jumped onto the Obama's wagon now trying to make people believe that they are true believers..I say very loudly"BULL"these people are nothing but opportunists. I articulated my disagreements with the president often and loud..but I still consider myself one of his core supporters..As a spiritual leader,Im not into politics or religions, because they are both prone to biases and double standards.Giving one your support do not mean in any way or form that you have surrendered your constitutional rights.
Obama is losing most young progressives,working class Blacks and poor people of all races.For the first time,we have a US president who never once speaks about or even mentions poverty in any of his speeches, nor any of his State of the Union addresses to the country.This president makes a concerted effort not to relate to poor people here or around the world.His term is about to expire, and he has so far not visited any Black country, including Haiti after that biblical earthquake destruction that had killed more than 250.000 people.This supposed Black president has not shown comprehension of his own people's economic struggles in this economic depression.He chooses to spend all of his mandate resolving wall street problems, completely ignoring the poors at home and abroad.Yes indeed,Barrack Hussein Obama is no Bobby Kennedy or Mr Elitist himselft F.D.R. When I voted for him,I was expecting a younger L.B.J and a Black T.REX (T. Roosevelt). Sadly for America and I, instead..we have a Clinton-light.
Nov 1, 2, 2011