NGO State
Rene Preval seems destined to fulfill Voltaire's description of Bourbon
kinsg of France: " They learn nothing, they forget nothing." To paraphrase
Voltaire, Preval has no accomplishments to learn from, he has nothing completed
successfully to forget about. . Still, he remains a personwith aninspired alienation from reality.
Mighty God!!! please save my beloved-land...the place where every one knows my name. The place I never have to worry about racist cops, fake friends ,fake family members or extended family...The international community is playing the suffering people of Haiti.The earthquake has been a big bonanza for ''RED CROSS,WORLD RELIEF and the impotent and irrelevant UN...
Yes Lord! they are helping Haiti by buying fleets of the most
expensive''SUVs, private chauffeurs, private security guards and yes they
are staying in the most expensive sea-sided hotels outside of
Port-au-prince paying on average $200 to $300 US a day while 1.5 million
Haitians are still sleeping on the streets. Lord...are we going to have
another revolution like the 1791 to save tha land?
The American Red Cross is holding almost 70 percent of the money
it raised for Haiti, which is unacceptable when Haitians are in dire
need of food, shelter, and medical care. Haiti’s 1.5 million displaced people, are now living in over1,300 camps, need basic resources now ..These White folks are holding the money,because they are living a life in so-called''Earthquake-Haiti'' they could never eford in the USA.
"Who made money in Haiti 2010? The NGOs," said Pierre Marie Boisson, chief economist for Sogebank, whose office building is still riddled with broken, jagged glass. Only another revolution will liberate my beloved-land from the evil of UN and it's pimps.
foreign troops humiliating the great Haitian's flag and her people. Haiti had a cultural life
I wonder very loud!!How many Black neighborhoods Sean Penn have been hanging out in the US? What makes Sean Penn an expert on Haitian subjects? With all the money this guy inherited from his family plus his own money...why are he and people like him living off the donations that was supposed to be for the Haitian people?
For the past 25 years, under a false pretense of a fake democracy, the corrupt and irrelevant UN had invaded Haiti to destroy every fiber of Haitian's life.Now,UN brought cholera to the country-side which is still the bread basket of Haiti.Except for these two ngo's''Doctors without borders and partner in health'',the next president of Haiti will have to get rid of UN soldiers and most ngo's in order to safeguard Haiti.
ti taliban aristide and perpetual restavek preval are traitors they needs to be prosecuted to the fullest of the law.They are the ones who sold the beloved-land that our founding Fathers Toussaint,Dessalines,Christophe and Petion...fought for and won for us...Haitians
July 30th, 2010 August 3rd, 5th, 2010 January 11, 2011, Feburay 11, 16th 2011