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Manning, Assange, and Snowden

The evil war of Iraq proves the irrelevancy of the impotent UN.If this very corrupt organization was living to its mandate,Bush,specially Cheney and the rest of the top dogs should have been charged for war crimes and crime againts humanity.Because no presidents hould ever have the power to invade another sovereign nation without full proof of probable cause.The war caused the death of more than 300000 innocent God's children.Destroyed a modern nation and most of the great history of that nation.All that happen againts the will of the so-called UN.This is why private M.Manning should have never been charged as a traitor for leaking all these informations to wikileak.He's a hero for having the courage to leak the crimes of the US military againts innocent civilians of Iraq.The saddest thing is the support of that war by the so-called religious leaders of America.

Bradley Manning and Snowden are heroes. Obama has no heart or soul for prosecuting and persecuting these guys...all they did was tell the truth for the greater goods..the entire world hold these great young American heroes a great deal of gratitude . MLK would have supported Edward Snowden, and Bradley Manning for telling the American people the truth about the US government criminal activities. Yes indeed he would be an independent libertarian ..he understood the constitution very well...that was why he used it to shame the American people...vis a vis segregation...the current occupant of the White house is a liberal neo'con..this man loves killing God‘s children ..

I command the president of Equator for the courage to ignore the threats of US and Britain to grant a well deserve political asylum to Julian Assange...may my just Lord bless and protect the people of Equator.Julian Assange and Bradley Manning did the world a great service by releasing some of the footage of the war in Iraq and Afgahanistan, the massacre of the Iraqi civilians by a US army gunship, and the US State dept.cables with US embassies around the world...there is something from most foreign leaders, such as US "allies" calling calling the former president of France, Nicolas Zarkozy, an emperor without a throne (by the way that's was a true description of the man).

These young men deserves our support and respect and should have never been persecuted by US or the 51st State, Great Britain. Truth always hurt...transparency should be the norm especially for a president that was overwhelmingly elected based on that!

December 21st 2011 August 17th 2012 August 28, 2013 ·July 30, 2013 ·

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