Liberals & Hawkish Policies
We the people have been conned by this man. Obama is a man of no real convictions or disciplines.As a Haitian American who voted for him twiceI look at him the way I look at the guy selected as president of occupied Haiti by his former secretary of state ,Hillary. The only difference I see between ti simone..aka sweet micki/selected president and Obama is that,he US president is an educated con man and the latter..''ti simone'' is a stupid and clueless con man...but,both of them have one thing in common..their beliefs in symbols and superficiality. Both of them are natural born White ass kissers & both of them have used and exploited poor people to get where they are today. I'll say it again..I do believe that history will proves that Obama has been so far the worst president for the middle class,the working class and the poor here and abroad...Any one remember Obama in the rose garden on January 13th of 2010 after the catastrophic earthquake of Haiti?...''he said Haiti is the backyard of America that he promised to help with the reconstruction of Haiti''..that was it..another symbol..he has not mentioned Haiti since..whether it's about the illegal occupation by the very corrupt and irrelevant UN or the cholera infection..he just follows the lead of his mentor bill clinton.''. by being "MIA'' ...on those subjects...
Wow..! a Black man is the president of the United States of America,but sadly,this Black man does not give a flying fish about what is going on in any of these poor black States around the world...Whether it is Haiti the first and the only Black nation that had fought and won her independence or The Democratic Republic of Congo(formerly Zaire),South Sudan,Somalia,Nigeria and now Central African Republic...Instead,as a typical democrat elitist like his mentor, perjurer in-chief Bill Clinton, and his wife..he is worrying about a coup d'etat by a bunch opposition thugs camouflaging as democrats for western Europe. After invading Iraq against the better judgement of the world and killing over one million civilians and the war is still raging on till today,America has absolutely zero moral ground to chastise Putin or any other empire.Obama is willing to disturb the world economy over eighty Ukrainians that have lost their lives?.But,like Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, he won't do anything about the three genocides that are going on right now in Central African republic,South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
March 11, 2014 · March 22, 2014 ·