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Hypocrisy of UN

Again,I agree and support the vetoes of Russia and China against the Saudi-drafted resolution against the Assad regime at the very irrelevant and corrupt UN meeting.Where the heck have the Saudis and the Arab league been regarding the dreadful occupation of the Palestinians by the Israelis? What is so freaking sick about the whole thing is the US and EU knows for a fact that there is absolutely no differences between the Assad's regime and the so-called Arab league nations and the very retrograde,non-democratic Saudis. Please Obama!!! Prove to the world that the Nobel peace prize, that they gave you in advance of your presidency, was a big freaking...JOKE''

I have a big problem with a lot of those fake human rights groups that are always ready to accuse non-European leaders with war crimes. But the US and NATO invaded Iraq without the authorization of the very corrupt and irrelevant UN;killing at least from all accounts over million people. Israel dropped US-made cluster bombs on the civilian areas of Lebanon and Gaza during Israel's criminal war of 2006. Complete silence..from every one of!!

The invasion of Haiti by the U.N is in direct violation of its charters.NO one can convince any Haitian that the U.N has done any good for the people .Except,of course for the 0.5% of population that control %95 of the wealth of the country under the protection of the U.N soldiers...and yes the now famous speech giver Bill Clinton is the '' DE FACTO DICTATOR'' of small thanks to the first Black American president Obama for giving away the first Black independent nation to a White man...under the camouflage of that irrelevant organization...How dare you mr president?...

The U.N is a puppet organization for the US and western-European nations like; France, England and Germany.It is a new form of colonialism by these super powers. Wars,assassinations, chaos, mayhem in most of poor countries around the world, done in the UN's name.Look at what UN have been doing in my beloved-Haiti.

Ever since,yes the current 'special envoy'' of UN in Haiti;former US president Bill Clinton AKA DE FACTO DICTATOR of Haiti invaded Haiti (1994) on the pretext banner TO RESTORE DEMOCRACY...18 years have passed and there is no democracy or security in Haiti,but the people are poorer,sicker,hungrier and the country is fast of becoming a special province to the Dominican Republic..

One have to ask the question..who makes up the UN's bureaucracy? beside the 3 super powers and 2 mini super powers (Russia/China)...tyrants,war-lords,military-coup leaders,monarchs and leaders of one party States are the majority.

How in the hell can the people of Haiti,the first independent Black nation and the only Black people that fought and won their liberty by force,can expect any form of moral legitimacy from such corrupt and irrelevant organization? The ''salop'' immoral elite of Haiti(%0.5) look at this organization as a paragon of virtue. The UN is not needed or wanted by the vast majority of Haitians that is a fact.The people are not stupid. Patriots, nationalists, progressives and visionary Haitians like myself need to be united to get rid of UN and their mercenary soldiers in Haiti by any means necessary..How long are we going to stand-by and look while these soldiers are raping our boys and girls? How long???

August 4th 2012 September 26th, October 25th 2012

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