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Hope for Obama Lost

When I voted for Obama,I thought I was voting for a progressive,caring and visionary man...When I noticed during his transition that he was picking up all of the Clinton's left overs..I knew then that something fishy was going on.History will proves that Clinton and Obama are the worst US president ever elected for Black and poor people in America and around the world...He ignores his mandate.

Obama is making a big mistake regarding Libya..what's going on there is a civil war between two parties that have a lot of love for their country..America should stands this one out..especially,since the UN,US and the rest of the international community find a second case of neutrality vis-a-vis Assad of Syria,Yemen,Bahrain,oh yes!!the US Govt. love child''the Saudis''.The double standard of US foreign policies are so obvious to the world..even a blind person can see through it.I wonder why so many people like myself is falling for congressman Ron Paul's messages.He's the only who's telling the truth to the American people...

Please tell me the differences between Alqueda and UN...They are both killing God's children all over the world under false pretenses.''

March 18th,June 19th September 11th 2011

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