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Haiti: Governance and Corruption

The Duvalier dictatorship (from 1957-1986) not only stole from Haiti’s treasury in real time but it also set a precedent [within Haitian politics]. Jean Bertrand Aristide, who was president first briefly in 1991 and then returned in 1994, took over the rackets, as if it was legitimately his "turn”. René Preval inherited the same role in 2006. Now the kleptomaniacs are trying to hang on through crooked micki. Remarkably, the Organization of American States' (OAS) UN, and US apparently think they should help to continue the waste and destruction of what ever resources Haiti may have.

Haiti's troubles are not, by and large, the bad luck of a cursed nation. They are man-made results brought about by local thugs(Aristide,preval,now micki) and abetted by foreigners.(Bill Clinton,UN,NGO's,EU,OAS,Bret Didier of France,Canada and US ambassador). Expecting change in Haiti without confronting this reality is lunacy. This is why reversing the fraud in Haiti's parliamentary elections is so important...The country deserves an independent C.E.P, not the current one.

Governance is a dry word that makes people think of paper-pushing bureaucrats and jargon-filled reports. But it's the foundation of development. No country can thrive without it. Indeed, as the example of my beloved- Haiti shows, without good governance, people die and sadly will continue to die. It might be a slow death by hunger, or a faster death by violence, or they might die in the rubble of some preventable accident like most of the destruction of the 2010 earthquake...the selected president micki does not comprehend the meaning of the word'' governance''...forget about good governance.

Corruption is everywhere in Haiti.In other words. it seems that everyone is corrupt in Haiti..true or not it seems that way to most outsiders including myself.Corruption is not simply the result of the dysfunction of the institutions. It is not just merely the fact of the greediness of some individuals, but it is a process to have access to greater wealth and other valuable goods. Corruption is a practice that involves not only the bourgeois(the Brants,Mevs..ect) who pay custom officers off in order to increase their profit on their import businesses, but they also pay lawmakers(likes of Lamberts,Benoit,Latortue..ect) in order to design laws that benefit them. Politicians (aristide,duvalier,preval and now micki..) also use corruptive practices to divert massive national resources towards their own bank accounts. The civil society organizations (the religious organizations,human right groups..ect..ect..) are not exempt from the use of corrupt practices to have access to certain privileges. Corruption breeds from the bottom-up to top-down. It is horizontal, vertical and transversal. Just like violence, it has become, in the last few decades, a social norm in Haiti that dictates the nature of social relations

December 11th 2012

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