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Freddie Gray worth more than any CVS

No peace! peace!..the Life of my brother, son, nephew, cousin and friend Freddie Gray worth more than any CVS or any property what so ever..The rules of engagements between the police and Black Americans have to change..these state sponsored assassins cannot be continue freely of killing unarmed civilians...Obama and the rest of his crony black politicians showed the world how impotent and irrelevant they are to black people here or abroad...

The US law enforcement officers across US have declared a war on young Black men…the riot is an expression of suffering through out the world whether its in Europe, Asia, Africa, or the western hemisphere..,except for here in the United States. what America is doing to the young Black men is another form of ''genocide''..there is no difference between what the Gestapo/German storm troopers were doing to the defense-less ''Jewish population'' in the ghettos across ''occupied Europe''...while the majority of so-called German citizens were silent...same thing here in the divided America. Yes, like Obama and his irrelevant US Black congressional caucus...there were a lots of uppity Jews all over Europe who had chosen to remain silent for the sake of their ownsskins...what is going on right now in US is a crime against humanity...#Black lives matter more than any material things or properties...Black people in America needs the UN to help them in this on going genocide.

April 28th 30, 2015 ·


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