Bernie over Clinton; Trump over Clinton
Personally, as a Haitian-American Donald Trump has never done anything to my beloved-homeland Haiti. So far no one can prove that he has been anti-Black people.The crimes of the clintons, however are way too much. Too even visualize bill clinton back in the White House...both of them belongs in jail. They are as corrupt as any politician can be...they are the picture perfect of political opportunists. They are multi-millionaires now, but not because they ever have created any business like Trump or inherited any money like Trump, but because they exploited their political positions or for money. God forbid if billhillary goes back to the White House...she'll be the first woman president and the first to be successfully impeached..DNC is a joke the primary elections was rigged at every level against far as the the very irrelevant so-called Black congressional caucus, they are as corrupt as their master clintons
In this election I was a Bernie supporter, but I cannot bring myself to support''crooked Hillary'' under any circumstances ...I love Jill Stein and I agree to most of her progressive platform ,but Trump has a better chance to stop the Clinton corrupt political therefore''the enemy of enemy is my friend'' a Haitian/American..I'm supporting the republican nominee..''Mr Donald Trump'' as the next president of the United States of America...
I know some Bernie supporters aren't ready to hear this, and god knows how much I hate to say it, but Donald Trump is the only thing standing between us and The TPP. I know trade isn't the top issue for a lot of people, but it is a critical issue in this campaign. What a horrible position that we have been put in. The DNC has completely abandoned working people. The news coming out of the platform committee regarding the living wage and TPP is all the proof any Bernie supporter should need to be #BernieOrBust. We need to OCCUPY THE DNC and change this neoliberal/corporate elite/anti-worker mentality that has poisoned the party. Honestly, at this point, I'm more afraid of Clinton than Trump. What the hell has happened to our country
June 25th, August 14, 2016 ·