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             Jean-Jacques grew up during the Duvalier dictatorship in the paradoxical circumstance of being opposed to the power order but protected by his family  connections to it. His father, Albert Jean-Jacques,  was a Lieutenant and career member of the Forces Armee D'Haiti (FAd'H), as well as Commandant of the military-police that controlled the influential town of Peition-Ville.  Albert and his older brother Denis were members of the Noirisme movement (a social movement that celebrated and promoted black culture, literature, and political power as a method  to counter the various forms of systematic racism instituted into Haiti by the US occupation of 1915-1934).


         During the 1940's and 50's  Albert's older brother Denis was a prominent writer, poet as well as  early peer and supporter of  Francois Duvalier who at the time was a respected and notable physician and political activist within  the Noriseme movement; often espousing the same ideology of the president Durmasais Estime.




      The Alliance for Haitian Democracy was founded in 1996 by Haitian political activist and free-lance journalist Joseph Jean-Jacques. Throughout his life Jean-Jacques has advocated and worked for the cause of advancing the living conditions and political power of the historically oppressed Haitian masses.  Jean-Jacques was born in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, child of Albert Jean-Jacques and Sylvanie Joseph. As a child growing up in the suburb of Peition-Ville Jean-Jacques was exposed to the intricacies of political discourse.

      Duvalier appointed Albert Jean-Jacques, a proud and educated black leader, as commandant of Peition-ville at a time when Peition-villle was reserved exclusively for mulatto officers.  Despite his family connections, however, Albert was no staunch Duvalierist.  Albert was disillusioned by Francois Duvalier's tyrannical usurpation of power which was a perversion of the the peoples' Noirisme movement. Albert was also revolted by Duvalier's persecution and execution of numerous military officers, intellectuals and communists. From these experiences and early exposure, Jean-Jacques developed his understanding and disposition towards politics; a disposition which ultimately motivated him to pursue his higher education in the United States.

     Joesph Jean-Jacques moved to the United States in 1974. After briefly living in Boston he pursued his education in both Chicago and Los Angeles before returning to the Boston area where he currently resides with his family. During the 1980's Jean-Jacques began his work as an advocate for the Haitian democracy movement. In the year 1982 he worked for the politician Leslie Manigat, as a technical advisor and recruiter for Haitian college students and supporters of Haitian democracy within the Chicago area. During this time Jean-Jacques was also a supporter of the original Lavalas populist movement and its leaders, which include writer/theoretician Evans Paul, and priest/politician Jean-Betrand Aristide.  Jean-Jacques changed his position regarding Aristide  after the 1990 coup 'd'etat and Aristide's subsequent  request for the US embargo, military invasion of Haiti, and the demobilization of the Haitian Armed Forces  in 1994.

        After the 1994 US invasion of Haiti Jean-Jacques opposed the globalized economic deals Aristide signed as a quid pro quo for Bill Clinton 's intervention, due to the devastation they had on  Haiti's domestic rice, commodities, and cement markets. Although he protested against Aristide's second presidential term during the early 2000's, he also opposed the 2004 US backed coup against Aristide, which was a breach of Haitian sovereignty and a catalyst event used to justify a renewed UN security mission in Haiti.


     Since that time Jean-Jacques has worked as a free-lance journalist documenting and bringing awareness to the suffering of the  masses of Haiti. In recent years he has vehemently condemned the UN military occupation and the human rights abuses it has caused which include numerous  murders, rapes, and the dreadful cholera epidemic. Jean-Jacques has also been early and vocal critic of the Clinton Foundation and the US State Department  for their role and complicity in stealing the 2010 Earthquake reconstruction donations, the rigging of presidential elections, and the creation of a permanent foreigner NGO state in Haiti.


         Jean-Jacques has dedicated his life to being a free-lance journalist, in order to document and give light to the Haitian struggle that is intentionally ignored/ silenced by the mainstream media. Through his analysis and coverage of Haitian politics and news he has given attention to the existence of an international corporate interest that is lobbying for the current UN occupation and privatization of Haitian land and resources in order to capitalize on newly speculated gold, oil and mineral deposits. This same international corporate interest is a re-incarnation of the colonial slave structure which seeks to exploit  Haiti's tropical climate, fertile soil, cheap labor, and dependent economy. 


       As the Founder of the Alliance for Haitian Democracy Jean-Jacques continues  working to unite with other Haitian individuals and organizations for the goal of liberating Haiti from her historical exploitation and oppression; in order to bring into existence  a truly egalitarian Haitian society A La. Dessalines.



Peace, love, and justice to all...


"L'union Fait La Force"

        "Through Unity There is Strength"


- Jamil Jean-Jacques









 Joseph Jean-Jacques                                                                                                                                          Jamil Jean-Jacques

 Founder- Alliance for Haitian Democracy                                                          Executive Director - Alliance for Haitian Democracy

 Chairman/ primary journalist for ADH political blog                                                                                  Editor of ADH political blog

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