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Gangs and Political Repression in "US-occupied Haiti"
The US State Department with its racist allies or partners (UN, Canada, France, EU, OAS,and others) are refusing to allow the Haitian...
USA Government's Deep-Seated Racism towards Haiti
The US government has always had a very deep seated racism against the Black Haitians. The celebrated so-called progressive, democratic...
Modern-Day Colonialism in Haiti
This is the Haiti the US wants for the 95% majority of Black Haitians. As long as the 22 arab\jewish mafiosi oligarch families are...
Biden's Silent Support of Neg Bannann; US Sponsered Tyranny in Haiti
Neg bannann [Moise] aka the US supported criminal assassin puppet of US occupied Haiti, will be removed, indicted, prosecuted and thrown...
Media's Hypocrisy Regarding Kodak's Pardon
I know one thing for sure,if it was for democrat presidents like clinton,Obama and now Biden,these Black rappers wouldn't ever receive a...
Neg Bannann's Dictatorial Rule in Haiti
From January 17th,2020 to November,2020...I've observed so many crisis the corrupt undemocratic US supported government of neg...
US, Canada, France, EU, UN, OAS - Malignant Cancer of Haiti
Sooner or later, only another total and integral revolution by any means necessary will change the daily miseries of the suffering people...
Trump's Pardon Falls Short
Snowden, Assange and Chelsea Manning should have been amongst the first group that Trump pardoned. These guys are the true heroes of US...
Desecration of the Republican Party
Political fanaticism is a cancer in any country,but America,it's destructive in every form.As a political amateur on the world...
Mini-Republicans; Joe Biden & Kamala Harris
One should always remember that Biden is a segregationist as his V.P Kamala Harris so well stated during one of those rigged primary...
Who's Behind The Blog
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