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Syria veto; Role of UN
As much as i support the aspiration of democracy by some of the Syrian people,but I have to agree and support the veto of EU and US...
Saving Haiti From Domestic Jihadist
Haiti is a spiritual land not a religious land. It was the spiritual beliefs of the Haitian people that won us our freedom, not religion....
Noir et Rouge
Mwen pa gin okin respe pou drapo bleu e rouge sa.drapo sa reprezante reunion des malpropre Haitiens,li reprezante imiliasyon,exploitation...
Obama: The Clinton Prodigy
Thank you my brother or sister since you did not identified yourself in your e.mail for your concern of my safety or security .if I would...
The De-facto White Dictator of Haiti
Oh my God!!! let me poke myself first...I have to agree with ti taliban aristide regarding his return to Haiti. Granted, it is because of...
Support for Occupy Wall St. Movement
I agree with the former speaker of the US house representatives (Ron Paul) "May my just Lord protect and bless the protesters against...
Hope for Obama Lost
When I voted for Obama,I thought I was voting for a progressive,caring and visionary man...When I noticed during his transition that he...
Divide and Conquer
Divide and conquer is the game that"THE DE FACTO-DICTATOR" of Haiti Bill Clinton is playing with"Micky"..In the mean time the Haitian...
Puppets vs. De-facto Dictator
If the irrelevant UN soldiers and the ''DE-FACTO WHITE DICTATOR BILL CLINTON'' are still running the affairs of a sovereign nation...
NGO State
Rene Preval seems destined to fulfill Voltaire's description of Bourbon kinsg of France: " They learn nothing, they forget nothing." To...
Who's Behind The Blog
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